Welcome!! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Candice, your Advisor on this lovely journey. My mission as a Natural-Medical Mastery Advisor is to aim to merge wellness and beauty with natural resource. I'm also a Registered Medical Assistant with 16+ years of combined Medical and Natural Knowledgeable information to share. In connection with formulating and creating cosmetic products, I'm "Self-taught" with 6+ years of formulating experience while using myself as the perfect "test subject."
I know what it's like to feel lost, broken & beautifully tarnished! I also know what it's like to hold on to anger, negativity, fear, self-doubt, and to lose everything…even my Corporate America 9-5 Job, living with family; all while trying to raise my child to the best of my ability. After going through numerous life-changing events, trails, & tribulations; In 2017, things had gotten to the point where seeking a Psychiatrist & Therapist was mandatory for me. Shortly after starting my treatments, I was wrongfully terminated from my position as a Registered Medical Assistant, while on “Intermittent Leave,” a leave that was recommended & granted by my Physician and governed under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of Georgia. Overall, causing a lot of necessities to be relinquished, the main being Health Insurance.
It was essential that I find a costly way to conquer my diagnosis, day and night I dove heavy into researching for answers, ultimately discovering knowledge regarding Energy Understanding & Holistic Healing. Which entails having a healthier Mind, Body, & Soul the natural way. After surviving my private walk through my "Valley of Shadows," I was able to find my way back to myself. Since achieving that accomplishment, I've been blessed to fulfill my purpose by stepping into my role as a Natural-Medical Mastery Advisor.
Everything that is offered at Through Pain Is Purpose, LLC has helped and/or is continuing to help me daily. With these tools and knowledge, I, now, know what it's like to properly heal from the inside out, and observe my circumstances in a positive manner while having peace. Guess what? Everyone is capable of elevation. Hurry!! Don't be Shy...click the next Blog Post to start your personalized journey towards Self-Elevation. Also, feel free to take advantage of our 24/7 online eCommerce store.
Disclaimer: All "Free" knowledge that is shared on this blog site is shared, weekly when the Founder/CEO is in a position to share. The Founder/CEO of Through Pain Is Purpose, LLC ("T.P.I.Purpose, LLC," "Company," "we," "us," "Site" or "our") is not a Licensed Physician. She is a Registered Medical Assistant with 16+ years of combined Medical and Natural knowledgeable information to share. She DOES NOT recommend "you" stop seeing your Licensed Physician, if "you" are seeing one without a professional consultation.
The Founder/CEO of T.P.I.Purpose, LLC DOES NOT recommend that "you" discontinue any medication(s) that was given to "you" by your Licensed Physician without his or her approval. If "you" are currently taking any medication(s) that was prescribed by your Licensed Physician, any natural medical/health additions and/or substitutes should be taken back to your Licensed Physician for a professional consultation, before taking any actions based upon such advisory. If "you" are allergic to any of the herbs in question, "we" DO NOT recommend "you" going out to purchase and use those herbs.
This "Site" DOES NOT diagnose or provide any medical/health regimens or treatments for a personal cure to any illness, infection, and/or disease. "We" are here to further support and assist with "your" current routine regimen, NOT to take over. THE USE OR RELIANCE OF ANY PRODUCT OR INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS "SITE" OR "MOBILE APPLICATION" IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.
I'm so proud of you.